So You Want to Build a Language VM - Part 08 - Assembler: The Beginning

Starts on an assembler


We could torture ourselves by writing all our programs in hex, and if that’s your thing, this section is technically optional.

Technically. Anywho, what’s an assembler? Its the program that can turn this:

LOAD $1 #10


00 01 00 0A.

It also has a few other responsibilities:

  1. Handling labels

  2. Calculating constants

  3. Optimizations


A Lexer is a program that takes in a stream of text, checks it against a bunch of rules, and emits a stream of tokens.

Lexemes and Tokens

Lexing produces lexemes, which are something like "units of meaning" in a sentence. In our example LOAD $1 #10, the lexemes would be: LOAD, $, 1, #, 1, 0.

These lexemes are combined with an id or name into a token. So in our example, our tokens are: <opcode, 0>, <register, 1>, <number, 10>


So let’s define some things about our assembly language:

  1. A Program is composed of Instructions

  2. An Instruction is composed of:

    • An Opcode

    • A Register

    • A IntegerOperand

    • A Newline

  3. An Opcode is composed of:

    • One or more Letters in a row

    • A Space

  4. A Register is composed of:

    • The symbol $

    • A Number

    • A Space

  5. A IntegerOperand is composed of:

    • The symbol #

    • A Number

  6. A Number is composed of:

    • The symbols 0-9

  7. A Newline is composed of:

    • The symbol \ followed by the symbol n

This is called a *grammar*. It has the rules of our language so far, and we’ll expand it as we go through this section.

To delve further into lexing and grammars, google context free grammars and backus-naur form.

Back to Lexing

So how do we get a lexer?

Two options:

  1. We could write our own Lexer. This is not super difficult, and everyone should do it at least once.

  2. We could use a tool like lex.

I gave serious consideration to writing our own, but I want the focus of these tutorials to be the VM. There’s a ton of tutorials on writing lexers, and I might add one at a later date. For now, we’re going to use the Rust tool: Nom. This tool makes it very, very easy to handle our lexing and parsing needs.


To start gobbling bits, we have to do the following:

  1. Add nom as a dependency

  2. Add the nom crate to

  3. Create a module directory for the assembler

  4. Add the assembler module to

  5. Create a Token enum

  6. Create rules for nom

Nom Dependency

In your Cargo.toml file, add nom as a dependency:

nom = "^4.0"


  1. Create a new directory under src called assembler, and add a file to it

  2. In, add pub mod assembler; to the top

  3. In, add #[macro_use] to the top

    • In add extern crate nom; on the line below

  4. Create in src/assembler

Token Enum

nom needs something to emit, so we need to create a Token enum. In src/assembler/, put:

use instruction::Opcode;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Token {
    Op{code: Opcode},

Right now, we’re only going to teach our parser to recognize an Opcode. Whenever it finds one, it will create Token::Op{code: Opcode}.

Yes, it’s a trifle weird to have Token::Op contain code which is an Opcode. Originally, the definition was Token::Opcode{code: Opcode} but that was confusing due to the duplication of the word Opcode and using it in two different spots. I hope this makes it clearer.

Rules: The Basics

OK, time to write our first rule. I’ll try to explain enough about nom as we go, but for a deep-dive into it, peruse their GitHub. The basic idea is that we are going to use nom’s macros to write a bunch of rules that, when applied, can parse a file containing valid iridium assembler code. These parsers can build on each other; this permits creating complex rules composed of simpler rules. We’ll see how this is useful in a bit.

Rules: Opcode

Earlier in the post, we defined an Opcode as:

. An `Opcode` is composed of:
  * One or more `Letters` in a row
  * A `Space`

Let’s take this one line at a time. In src/assembler/

use nom::types::CompleteStr;
This loads in the nom type CompleteStr. We’ll be passing complete strings to our rules, not streaming data.

named!(opcode_load<CompleteStr, Token>,
This uses the named! macro in the nom crate to define a function called opcode_load. It will take a CompleteStr and return a Token.

      tag!("load") >> (Token::Op{code: Opcode::LOAD})

The critical part here is tag!("load") >> (Token::Op{code: Opcode::LOAD}). It looks for the string "load" in the string we give it, and if it finds it, it returns an enum.

The >> (Token::Op{code: Opcode::LOAD}) part is from the do_parse! macro. It lets us chain parsers and pass the results to parsers further downstream. We’ll see how this works in more detail in a bit.


Time to write a test for our parser! In, put:

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_opcode_load() {
        // First tests that the opcode is detected and parsed correctly
        let result = opcode_load(CompleteStr("load"));
        assert_eq!(result.is_ok(), true);
        let (rest, token) = result.unwrap();
        assert_eq!(token, Token::Op{code: Opcode::LOAD});
        assert_eq!(rest, CompleteStr(""));

        // Tests that an invalid opcode isn't recognized
        let result = opcode_load(CompleteStr("aold"));
        assert_eq!(result.is_ok(), false);

Yay, we have a function that can recognize one opcode!

Holy shit, I just figured out how to do callouts in asciidoc! Muhahahahaha!

Rules: Registers

Now on to registers. First, let’s create the Register variant of our Token enum in src/assembler/

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Token {
    Op{code: Opcode},
    Register{reg_num: u8}

Next, a parser for a register. We’ll put this in src/assembler/ In our assembly language, they take the form of $0; a dollar sign followed by a number >= 0. Our function for this looks like:

use nom::types::CompleteStr;
use nom::digit;

use assembler::Token;

named!(register <CompleteStr, Token>, <1>
    ws!( <2>
        do_parse!( <3>
            tag!("$") >> <4>
            reg_num: digit >> <5>
            ( <6>
                Token::Register{ <7>
                  reg_num: reg_num.parse::<u8>().unwrap() <8>
                } <9>
            ) <10>
  1. We create a function named register that accepts a CompleteStr and returns a CompleteStr and Token or an Error

  2. We use the ws! macro, which tells it to consume any whitespace on either side of our register. This lets us write variants such as LOAD $0 in addition to LOAD $0

  3. We use the do_parse! macro to chain parsers

  4. We use tag! to look for $, pass the result of tag!…​

  5. …​to the function digit, and save the result in a variable called reg_num. nom provides the function digit, which recognizes one or more 0-9 characters

  6. Create the Token enum with the appropriate info and return

  7. Start creation of the Token. We want the Register variant

  8. Attempt to unwrap and store the result of parsing the digits into a u8

  9. Close the Token struct

  10. Close the tuple result the macro will return


And now a test for it…​

  fn test_parse_register() {
      let result = register(CompleteStr("$0"));
      assert_eq!(result.is_ok(), true);
      let result = register(CompleteStr("0"));
      assert_eq!(result.is_ok(), false);
      let result = register(CompleteStr("$a"));
      assert_eq!(result.is_ok(), false);

You could add even more error cases, such as "$", depending on how test-happy you are.

Rules: Integer Operands

And finally, integer operands! Create the IntegerOperand variant of our Token enum in src/assembler/

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Token {
    Op{code: Opcode},
    Register{reg_num: u8},
    IntegerOperand{value: i32},
Yes, we are technically allowing the user to input negative numbers here, since we parse it into an i32. Our LOAD instruction can only load 16 bits, though. This is for future expansion.

Next, make the file src/assembler/, in which we’ll put the last parser we have to write: one to recognize an IntegerOperand. We said those are composed of # followed by digits. In, put:

use nom::types::CompleteStr;
use nom::digit;

use assembler::Token;

/// Parser for integer numbers, which we preface with `#` in our assembly language:
/// #100
named!(integer_operand<CompleteStr, Token>,
            tag!("#") >>
            reg_num: digit >>
                Token::Number{value: reg_num.parse::<i32>().unwrap()}


Guess what this is? A test!

fn test_parse_integer_operand() {
    // Test a valid integer operand
    let result = integer_operand(CompleteStr("#10"));
    assert_eq!(result.is_ok(), true);
    let (rest, value) = result.unwrap();
    assert_eq!(rest, CompleteStr(""));
    assert_eq!(value, Token::IntegerOperand{value: 10});

    // Test an invalid one (missing the #)
    let result = integer_operand(CompleteStr("10"));
    assert_eq!(result.is_ok(), false);

Wrapping it up in

Now in src/assembler/, export the three modules we made by adding:

pub mod opcode_parsers;
pub mod operand_parsers;
pub mod register_parsers;
to the top.


Phew, this was a longer post, so I’m going to stop here. Next, we’ll go over how to combine these parsers into ones that can parse entire instructions, and ultimately entire programs.

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