
This Week in Iridium - #1

Summary of what happened with Iridium this week.

Week #1 Hello! Given the interest in this project, I decided to do an update every week. Website Changes Replaced Disqus with Discourse. Posts now show a shorter summary that isn’t the first part of the post all jumbled up Added links to Twitter and GitLab (lower left corner) Added a project page for Iridium to give easier access to all the tutorials

So You Want to Build a Language VM - Part 06 - The REPL

Starts building a REPL for the Iridium VM


REPL stands for Read, Evaluate, and Print Loop. It is also referred to as the interactive interpreter for a language. For example, if you open up Terminal or iTerm, we can look at Python’s REPL:

So You Want to Build a Language VM - Part 07 - REPL and Code Execution

Adds basic hex code evaluation to the REPL

A More Advanced REPL

Our current REPL doesn’t do a ton, so let’s fix that. In this post, we’ll be adding some commands to look at the program bytecode and the registers and their contents, as well as actually execute code entered in as hexadecimal.

So You Want to Build a Language VM - Part 05 - Equality Checks

Covers equality opcodes


Hey, you’ve made it this far! Congrats! I wish I could say we’re near the end to give you some hope, but, well…​sorry. =)

Today, we’re going to add some equality and comparison instructions! These will let us test us if the values in two registers are equal, not equal, greater than, or less than. These are easy to implement, so it shouldn’t take us too long. == Opcodes The new Opcodes we’ll be creating are:

So You Want to Build a Language VM - Part 04 - Jumps

Covers the jump opcodes

Jump Around!

When we last left our intrepid tutorial followers, we had a simple VM that could add, subtract, multiply and divide. This is all fine and dandy, but we need more functionality than just that. In this segment, we’ll be adding some jump-related instructions.