This Week in Iridium - #1

Summary of what happened with Iridium this week.

Week #1

Hello! Given the interest in this project, I decided to do an update every week.

Website Changes

  • Replaced Disqus with Discourse.

  • Posts now show a shorter summary that isn’t the first part of the post all jumbled up

  • Added links to Twitter and GitLab (lower left corner)

  • Added a project page for Iridium to give easier access to all the tutorials

  • Added a link to sign up for the mailing list

Tutorials Added

  • Four more tutorials added

  • Still working on catching up to where the project is at with tutorials

If you need some assistance with any of the topics in the tutorials, or just devops and application development in general, we offer consulting services. Check it out over here or click Services along the top.