This Week in Iridium - #4

Summary of what happened in the fourth week

VM Changes

  • Latest version in GitLab fixes all clippy complaints

  • Two-pass assembler is working fairly well, planning to start adding more features directly to the VM now

Website Changes

  • Redesigned website to hopefully make navigation easier

  • Made some spaces for non-Iridium projects

  • Old links should still work fine, and will take you to the page at the new URL structure

Tutorials Added

  • Added tutorials up through #16

Other Notes

Apologies for the slow updates this week. I spent quite a bit of time on the website. As you may have guessed, I’m not good with UI/UX…​

If you need some assistance with any of the topics in the tutorials, or just devops and application development in general, we offer consulting services. Check it out over here or click Services along the top.